We're all just human
What do we value and need when it comes to care? Our project challenged the usual roles of carer and 'client' and brought people with and without learning disabilities and autistic people together to spend time just as human beings.
Our research priorities are inspired by the life experiences of people with learning disabilities and autistic people on the team. This meant our conversations could become quite emotional, but it was important for everyone to have time to speak about how they were feeling.
Like so many others, our project had to change when the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic began. We went from working together in The Hub to working together, but remotely, from our homes. We kept in touch in different ways, including sending out creative activities to help everyone reflect on how they were feeling.
Being ‘productive’ means different things to different people. For some people, it means going to work, but with only 5.6% of people with learning disabilities in paid employment, we wanted to find out more.